Testing Betty Crocker’s Oreo Lava Cake Mix

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About a month ago I found myself craving lava cake and wandering through multiple stores hoping to find a mix or a frozen pre made lava cake I could throw in the oven. After 3 stores I gave up and went home and in the following days made my own from scratch.

Imagine my surprise when I was grocery shopping and found an end cap display covered with Betty Crocker’s Oreo collaboration that included a lava cake mix.  Straight into my cart it went.

I immediately noticed that this mix included the baking cups which is fantastic. I myself did not own small ramekins until they were recently gifted to me and unless you have a frequent need for them, I would imagine many other people do not own these small dishes. They included simple tin foil dishes that got bent out of shape while being shipped but I was easily able to make them round again.

This mix only requires eggs and butter. It does use both the microwave and the oven which seemed interesting to me. First you melt the butter in the microwave, then add in the powdered mixture, and microwave it again. Finally adding in the eggs.

With the butter and powdered mix the batter seemed like any cake mix and tasted similarly. Once the eggs were fully mixed in, the texture changed completely. It was the strangest texture I have ever seen while baking. I want you to imagine tar and pudding mixed together and you’ll come close to this odd consistency while stirring the mix. It didn’t have a weird mouth feel and no odd taste either, just an interesting sight to see. It was even dark like tar since it’s Oreo branded and I suspect has dark cocoa powder in it to try to bring the iconic Oreo flavor in to play.

Once mixed you pour it evenly into the 4 provided baking dishes. Then you sprinkle on crushed Oreos on top that are provided. I figured this was kind of a gimmick to go with the Oreo branding, it seemed so unnecessary to add cookies to a lava cake but I did follow the directions. Then I put them into the oven to bake.

At this point I want to note that this package makes 4 servings. If you’re a household of 2, or 4 this is super convenient but 3 or even 5? This could be rough because how will you decide who gets the extra or gets left out? I myself have a household of 2 so it was perfect for me but definitely something I spent way too much time thinking about.

Just as the packaging suggested it was about 12 minutes when these were baked and set on the sides but still gooey in the middle. They looked really good. The box said they needed to sit for 2 minutes and then you run a knife along the side and flip them over onto a plate. I did flip them but felt it was unnecessary. The lava cake held up really well so I flipped it back over since the bottom was flat and uglier. I would personally rather eat it straight out of the provided tin dish than dirty a plate.

I cut this lava cake in half and it was a perfect lava cake with the middle spilling out. I took a bite and fell in love. The flavor is so good, the dark cocoa is absolutely everything a lava cake needs. The cooked sides were not cakey and dry. The middle lava was so warm and gooey. The Oreos on top gave it a nice crunch which I didn’t know I was missing from a lava cake until now.

You’re going to have to run to the store to pickup this mix because if I get there first I’ll be stocking up on multiple boxes and not leaving any for the rest of you. This will absolutely be a pantry staple for me whenever I want something sweet. My ideal dessert is chocolate and gooey and this set the bar so high. I may never be able to eat anything else again for dessert. It was so easy and so simple and so delicious. Betty Crocker now owns and dominates the market on box mix lava cakes, I cannot find anything like it and I don’t need to keep looking.

This box mix made 4 lava cakes so after begrudgingly sharing with my husband I had leftovers for the next day.  You could easily throw these back in the oven to warm them up (not the microwave, the cups are tin foil) but I was feeling lazy. I opted to eat the leftover at room temp and let me tell you, just as amazing. It’s got less lava cake vibe when it’s colder but still gooey in the middle. I left mine in a Ziploc so the Oreos lost their crunch due to moisture so it was slightly less good but still an amazing dessert.

This mix as prepared is 1760 calories which is 440 calories per serving. The protein is about 6 grams per serving.

Here are the links to products used today:
Betty Crocker’s Oreo Lava Cake Mix – https://amzn.to/3WyyNbJ
Rubber Spatulas – https://amzn.to/3JWDtAA
Oven Mitts – https://amzn.to/3JYq5Mg
*These are affiliate links meaning if you click on the link and buy the product, I will earn a small commission, but you will not be charged a penny more.

One response to “Testing Betty Crocker’s Oreo Lava Cake Mix”

  1. C.K. Avatar

    Why am I just now learning these exist?? Your review convinced me homemade Lava Cake needs to be a part of my life from now on. I didn’t even bother checking my local store…straight to Amazon checkout after reading this review.
    Although I have commented before about the mixes making less than expected amounts, in this case 4 cakes seems fair at $5. The fact that it comes with it’s own tin and doesn’t require a mixer is making me seriously consider adding these to my RV camping grocery list in lieu of s’mores.