Trying Betty Crocker’s Chocolate Chip cookie mix

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I am still on the hunt for a good chocolate chip cookie box mix so I picked up Betty Crocker’s chocolate chip cookie mix. Betty Crocker is a brand I have enjoyed previously so I have high hopes that they can make a good cookie mix.

This box mix recipe is simple and easy, just the way I like it. You add 1 egg and 1 stick of butter and stir it all up. The dough mixed up nicely and despite the written warning, I had to taste it. It really didn’t have a stand-out flavor, all the ingredients meshed together well. It was a standard chocolate chip cookie dough, the kind that makes you want to eat just the dough and not even worry about baking it into cookies. I ate more than I should and ended up with 20 cookies scooped onto my baking sheet. The box claims to make 22-24 regular sized cookies which is probably accurate if you don’t eat all the cookie dough.

The box (technically bag) tells you that the regular cookies should bake for 12-14 minutes. At 10 minutes I checked and the bottoms of my cookies were browned and they were ready to come out of the oven. The cookies held a nice shape and were crackly. Some of the edges were overly browned which I didn’t love and I crossed my fingers hoping these edges wouldn’t be crunchy.

These cookies were the perfect consistency and were so moist. There is something about box mix chocolate chip cookies that keeps them moist forever. Now that I am thinking about it, box mix cakes and other desserts are pretty similar. There is some sort of additive that keeps them fresh longer and I feel like that is one of the most appealing part of using these box mixes. I think the convenience is the number one appeal but following that I would have to say that the moistness takes the cake. I tend to over cook homemade chocolate chip cookies so that they are too crunchy for my preference but I am convinced that with a box mix cookie, short of burning them, you wouldn’t cook out the perfect moistness.

Since I am still new to box mix cookies, I am having to remind myself that they are a different vibe from homemade cookies. They are quick and easy which means they are not as amazing in the flavor category. Recently, I have been experimenting with browned butter, extra salt, vanilla bean, and other things to improve my homemade cookie recipe and to transition from that to a simple box mix it’s hard to compare.

With that being said, this cookie did have an enjoyable flavor. It wasn’t amazing to me, but that is likely due to my personal experience. It just didn’t have an obvious stand out flavor aside from the chocolate chips. That didn’t stop it from being an awesome cookie. I ate a lot of these and continued to enjoy them, I just wouldn’t call them amazing. I would re-purchase this box mix if I were looking for a quick and easy cookie. For now, it is my favorite box mix for chocolate chip cookies, however the bar is low so stay tuned to see if it will remain or be demoted.

This mix came to a total of 2750 calories and if divided into 20 cookies they total 137 calories each.

Here are the links to products used today:
Oven Mitts –
Baking sheet –
Cookie Scoop 1tbsp –
*These are affiliate links meaning if you click on the link and buy the product, I will earn a small commission, but you will not be charged a penny more.

One response to “Trying Betty Crocker’s Chocolate Chip cookie mix”

  1. C.K. Avatar

    It’s good to know that the quintessential chocolate chip cookie from ol Betty Crocker is still good if you want a quick box mix.